Rabu, 21 September 2016

Resume Assigment

Hello, ladies and gentlemen
            I  will tell you about  the contents of the speeches of the participants of the race festival culture that is bernamaTio Aldo Nugraha Butarbutar from high school Al-Fityan. This speech is about One of Masterpicese Heritageof Batak in Indonesian Culture.
 According to Batak people, there are 3 source of warmness for human : Sun, Fire, and Ulos. Ulos is said to be a source of warmth because it can despel to cold. Ulos was only used as an ordinary cloth. but it later developed to a system of love. Traditional ceremony requirement, and society symbol.
  i just tell you about ulos which I am dressing now. Ulos whom i put on shoulder is sihadanghononhon. As a good Batak people, we must wear ulos according to the time, the function and the rules.
  In a Batak Traditional, there is a term "Mangulosi". "Mangulasi" means we give ulos doth to someone. ulos is meaningful and precious. Ulos means warmth, brave, strength, and of course love. now adays ulos has been modified into souvenirs such as : tie, bag, belt, and curtain. by knowing and using ulos we can conserve ulos until our children and let the world know our cultural wealth.
Thank you for your attantion.

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