Sabtu, 12 November 2016

My Favorite Place is ...

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen 

Good night.

Now I will tell the place I enjoy and a place that makes everyone feel more satisfied looking at the beautifulscenery. A place that I like is a mountainous area, because in the mountains I feel calm and peace wereoutstanding. Also in the mountains of cold weather so that every person who is always at ease and feel better. Mountain area we can feel more Enjoyed because look incredibly beautiful and amazing. This place me and my friend surfing mountain climbing fairly high and exploit the natural wealth that our region is.

Other than in the mountains, my favorite place is home, because at my home I can sleep, eat, socialize with family, the community around the house, etc. at home I can feel calmer because there are parents and brother who always supported my activities, activities in schools, in scouting, and anywhere while thepositive activities. and lastly, my favorite place is everywhere important togethers with friends, joke, tell stories, discuss difficult subjects, vent, etc.

I apologize if there are words that are wrong and incoherent. because the truth comes from Allah SWT and mistakes coming from me.

Thank you for reading my blog :)

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