Selasa, 13 Desember 2016


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning everybody
My name is Siti Aminah, I am from study program computer system Faculty Mathematic and Sciences.
First of all, let's thank to Allah the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.
Here I will make a speech about Using Technology Effectively
In contemporary times, technology has advanced and become more sophisticated, so all among children, adolescents and adults almost all use technology tools, minimal used is a phone and a computer (laptop). Two items is often used, to play game, chat, listen to songs, tasks, etc. However, these technological tools have a positive and a negative. On the positive that allows us to get information, help to resolve a difficult task, find the information we want to know, etc. while on the negative there is the spectacle that adults but children can freely see this spectacle, this is what causes the onset of sexual abuse among children, and Abuse of knowledge for certain people to commit criminal acts. So this does not happen, then use these technological tools effectively, use it to learn or find the information that is important in any field, stay in touch with friends old and new friends, or with creating something that is very beneficial for the surrounding community.
Indonesian as a society we have to use technology effectively, so that the negative impact of these technologies is not very influential for the people and the younger generation of Indonesia.
As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I do not forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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